Thursday, July 9, 2015

Eruption Cyst/ Eruption Hematoma

Definition: A soft tissue analogue of dentigerous cyst which develops as a result of separation of dental follicle surrounding the crown of an erupting tooth.
  • Blue or purplish brown colour
  • Soft gingival swelling
  • commonly associated with first permanent molar, next common are the maxillary incisors
  • Cystic fluid usually contains blood
Fig. 1. Eruption cyst with respect to right maxillary central incisor (Pre-operative view)
Case: A male child of 8 years old reported with an eruption cyst with respect to right maxillary central incisor ( fig. 1) and a mobile deciduous right maxillary lateral incisor.
Fig. 2. Post-operative view
Treatment: The eruption cyst was drained and tooth was exposed through the gingiva ( fig. 2 ) and the mobile deciduous right maxillary lateral incisor was extracted.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mandibular Second Premolar with two roots

Fig. Mandibular second premolar with two roots
A clinical experience - what I found on a radiograph was something which is not very common. A patient came with complaint of pain with respect to tooth showing towards the left posterior tooth region of jaw. On clinical examination, 34 was tender on percussion. An IOPAR radiograph was taken. The radiograph showed some morphological variation in root system of second premolar.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Hi everybody, I am Dr Mustapha Mansuri. I have created this blog for the purpose of making people aware of their oral health. This blog will be solely concerned with the information, education and queries regarding the oral and dental health.